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640 tutors matched
Master of Computer Science
Hi! MSc Applied Informatics & Computer Science Engineer. Practical experience in many CS & IT branches.Research work & homework
5/5 (6,804+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
$15-$50 hourly rate
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Ph.D. in mathematics and working as an Assistant Professor in University. I can provide help in mathematics, statistics and allied areas.
4.6/5 (6,678+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
$40-$50 hourly rate
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Hi! I have been a professor in New York and taught in a math department and in an applied math department.
4.9/5 (6,427+ sessions)
2 hours avg response
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Hello students. I am 1393guru. I am an experienced tutor in the fields of Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology, History and E
4.9/5 (5,433+ sessions)
33 minutes avg response
$25-$55 hourly rate
Le Hoang
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
I'm good at Computer Science. I always provide detailed answers to questions that students may have while reading my solutions.
4.8/5 (4,332+ sessions)
40 minutes avg response
Master of Science (M.S.)
I am a technologist and teacher with background and expertise in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics.
4.9/5 (3,925+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Offering help to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students in subjects involving Math, Physics, and Computation.
5/5 (3,802+ sessions)
2 minutes avg response
Master of Arts (M.A.)
I always strive to generate quality content with absolute correctness and accuracy. Your satisfaction is my happiness.
4.9/5 (3,797+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Hi! I am an experienced, proficient and very efficient writer. I am driven by immense dedication and passion.
4.9/5 (2,745+ sessions)
56 minutes avg response
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
After receiving B.A in Economics from University of Kansas, MathEconTutor earning PhD in Economics from University of Kansas in 2011.
4.4/5 (2,595+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
$30-$50 hourly rate
Master of Laws (LL.M.)
I am dedicated to my work. I stick to instructions and deadlines although I am flexible to consider an issue from multiple perspectives.
4.9/5 (2,338+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Hello! My name is 11vivek. I have a passion for scientific research, teaching and solving problems related to Science.
4.7/5 (2,239+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
Master of Arts (M.A.)
I provide exemplary & original assistance with writing for the humanities, social sciences, and business. For more, please click here.
4.9/5 (2,199+ sessions)
1 hour avg response
Master of Science (M.S.)
Math and Computer Science tutor, very creative, motivated and friendly. Ready to guide you through the magnificent world of 0's and 1's :)
4.9/5 (1,995+ sessions)
27 minutes avg response
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
MATHEMATICS * PHYSICS * Especially good at problem solving - a winner of Physics and Mathematics Olympiads
5/5 (1,977+ sessions)
25 minutes avg response
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
I am an expert in helping students with their economics, statistics and business management assignments. I hold a Ph.D. in Economics.
4.6/5 (1,898+ sessions)
42 minutes avg response
$15-$30 hourly rate
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Ph.D. in Chemistry, experienced in teaching for 5 years. I can provide answers with detailed explanation regarding chemistry.
4.9/5 (1,895+ sessions)
7 minutes avg response
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
A Statistician (BA) and an MBA Graduate with a DECADE of experience in 1-on-1 lessons, ‎homework assistance, Data analyses and much more.
4.9/5 (1,606+ sessions)
4 minutes avg response
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
I have been teaching and tutoring Physics and Mathematics to graduate, undergraduate and high-school students for the last 15 years.
5/5 (1,488+ sessions)
7 minutes avg response
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Most of the writing tutors on these pages hold advanced degrees in their fields, many with Ph.D.'s or the equivalent. All writing applicants must supply academic transcripts for each degree they hold, and are tested and screened carefully by our staff. We’ve also implemented ratings and reviews in order to increase our level of transparency and show you the actual performance of each writing tutor. It’s real, it’s believable – no shenanigans!

How do I find a writing tutor?

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