Write a 1000-word essay on how art and literature can serve as the...

Write a 1000-word essay on how art and literature can serve as the means or modes for living life.
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To begin, I think it is important I mention I agree with Kenneth Burke’s thought that art, such as literature, can and perhaps should be one of the sets of means—“equipments for living” (Burke 262)—by which we deal with life. The way I think of the idea is this: an artful depiction of a situation or happening or person is a particular way of seeing that situation or happening or person, and is thereby a particular way of understanding and evaluating those pieces of life. And, arguably, the more manifold and skilled one’s view of life could thus be, the better equipped we are and the better we live. But what counts as this sort of art? The book at the heart of my discussion—a book I greatly value—is the Dalai Lama’s Ethics for the New Millennium
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