The African Bible
Respond with no more than 2 paragraphs for each of the following questions.
1. Give a precise synopsis of the development of the Bible from its Afro-Asiatic and AfroEuropean roots up to that of contemporary English translations.
2. Describe the key factors that were presented as evidence that the Bible is an Africanoriginated text. Be sure to make reference to specific details.

Wisdom Literature
Respond with no more than 2 paragraphs for each of the following questions.
1. On the basis of your readings and research, define “Wisdom Literature.” What is distinctive about this form of African Biblical writing?
2. How do the books of Proverbs and Job fit within this definition? Be specific.

The Proverbs of/about Lady Wisdom
Respond with 3 – 5 complete sentences for each of the following questions.
1. How is this text both similar to and different from “Job”?
2. To whom is it primarily addressed and why?
3. What is the role of the foolish and/or seductive woman?
4. Who is Lady Wisdom and what is her purpose?
5. What are the signs of true wisdom?

The Story of Job as a Drama Play on Wisdom
Respond with 3 – 5 complete sentences for each of the following questions.*
1. Is the Book of Job is a play? Why or why not?
2. What is the meaning and significance of the names and roles of each character in it? *You may write more sentences in order to respond to this question.
3. Is “ha-Satan” the “Devil” of Christian demonology? Why or why not?
4. In which way(s) is this drama more about “wisdom” than about “why good people suffer bad things”?
5. Is “God” problematic is the original version of this story?
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1. Give a precise synopsis of the development of the Bible from its Afro-Asiatic and Afro-European roots up to that of contemporary English translations.

The roots of the Bible are Afro-Asiatic and Afro-European. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, which is classified as an Afro-Asiatic language. The Hebrews were a nomadic people who migrated between the Near East (Mesopotamia and Babylonia), Palestine and North-East Africa (Egypt). So the roots of the Old Testament are Afro-Asiatic. The New Testament was written mostly in Greek (some small parts also in Aramaic). However, Greek was a common language at the time in much of Southern Europe, the Near East and Africa (Egypt).
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