1. What are the main branches of Philosophy? Distinguish them from each other.

2. Give 3 examples each of metaphysical, epistemological and ethical questions.

3. What is a morally permissible act? How is this different from an obligatory act? An impermissible act? A supererogatory act? Might a supererogatory act be morally impermissible?

4. What is moral objectivism? How is it different from moral subjectivism? Who is a moral relativist? How is she different from a moral conventionalist? Is a genuine moral disagreement possible with moral relativism? Explain.

5. Who is an amoralist? How is he different from the moralist and the immoralist? Might a nihilist be a moralist? Explain.

6. Who are the Sophists? Name three Sophists. What are their individual claims? What are the similarities between their views? What are the differences?

7. Is Socrates a Sophist? What about Plato? Explain fully.

8. Would Socrates agree that ‘man is the measure of all things?’ If not, what would be the measure of all things for him? Explain.

9. Describe Plato’s notion of the Self (human soul). Explain its structural similarities and differences to his notion of the ideal state. Who is an ideal person for Plato?

10. In Plato’s ideal state, explain the different roles performed by its various groups and or classes. Do you agree with Plato’s view of the philosopher-king?
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1. What are the main branches of Philosophy? Distinguish them from each other.

The main branches of Philosophy include Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, and Logic.

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with fundamental questions about the nature of reality (Carroll & Ned, 2010); it is the inquiry into the question of being (Beach, 1998).

Epistemology can be defined as a critical inquiry into the fundamental principles of knowledge, including its possibility, its certainty, and its justification.

Ethics is the philosophical study of morality (Deigh, 2010). It aims to determine what is the proper course of action for man (Landauer & Rowlands, 2001).

Logic is the analysis and appraisal of arguments (Gensler, 2012). It is concerned with the question of adequacy or probative value of different kinds of evidence (Cohen, Nagel, & Corcoran, 1993).

2. Give 3 examples each of metaphysical, epistemological and ethical questions.

• What is being?
• What is space and time?
• Does the world exist outside of the mind?

Epistemological (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2001)
• Is it possible to have knowledge at all?
• Does reason provide us with knowledge of the world independently of experience?
• Does our knowledge represent reality as it is?

• Is killing a murderer justified?
• Under what conditions should people be kept artificially alive?
• How should we decide who receives organ transplants?
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