A clear definition for the various roles of CNM, CNP, CNS, and CRNA has been convoluted by various state definitions that confuse the roles and often obscure their intended meaning. Such state definitions reveal further confusion with regard to role separation, competency, emphasis, approach, and variation. This misunderstanding extends to nurse educators, providers, reimbursement, and even the public. The lack of clarity regarding initial role preparation versus current certification serves to further frustrate accreditors, consumers, and employers alike.

1) According to the state of NJ How does the state define the role and scope of the CNP? Provide a correctly formatted citation for your reference resource.

2) Mary expressed that she wants to work directly with patients. She is familiar with working in a large hospital system, and prefers to remain in her current town when she graduates. She has considerable clinical experience in pediatric, surgical, and emergency nursing.

Based on Mary’s experience and interests, which role would you choose for her, and why?
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Mary should explore the role of a family nurse practitioner. They provide the patient care on a very personal level. They usually report (communicate) directly to physicians and RNs and head nurses, and are usually responsible for taking vitals and monitoring in-and-out volumes, treating common like bedsores, and preparing or performing several procedures such as dressing wounds, bathing and dressing, and giving enemas (Nursing Job Descriptions, n.d.). Because they have frequent direct contact with patients, they are important in helping patients deal with their illness. Another responsibly in some, but not all, states for the family nurse practitioner may be to administer prescribed medicines or start IV fluids.
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