A) Pick a disease in your geographic area and identify how it is tied to either infectious, chronic, gynecological or STI, environmental, cultural or geographic causation.
B) Provide the specific descriptive epidemiological aspects of this disease as it relates to your geographic area. (NJ)
C) Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed
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There is genetic predisposition to type 1 diabetes, but onset is triggered by environmental factors (NDIC, n.d.). Since the pathogenesis is centered around the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, these environmental factors have to be directly associated with these cells. A type of infection associated with damage to these cells, and therefore progression to disease, is the enterovirus genus of viruses. The correlation is two-fold: the Coxsackie B4 virus, an enterovirus, shares homology (similarity) with a peptide (protein) on the beta cells, and it is known to infect the beta cells in the pancreas. Chronic infection and pancreatitis (inflammation) produces damage to these cells, and a loss of function over time. Additionally, the Immune response to the virus may potentially target the homologous peptide, leading to the body attacking your own cells in addition to the virus. Cytomegalovirus (CMV), adenovirus, rubella, mumps are other infections suspected of association with development of diabetes, primarily due to their symptom of pancreatitis, or the direct influence of CMV (STI) on lymphocytes.
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