Question 1:
Which hash table collision resolution method did you use (eg. chaining or open addressing)? Explain your choice briefly

Question 2:
Which hash function (division or multiplication) did you use? How did you convert a string into a number?

Question 3:
Another legal XML tag not used in this lab is the stand-alone tag. This kind of tag combines both a start-tag and end-tag in one. It is identified with a '/' (slash) preceding the final >. (For example, the <foo/> is a stand-alone tag that is self balancing.
Describe briefly how you would modify Part 3 to allow this kind of tag.
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* The functions in this module implement a Stack data structure
* of char pointers (aka "strings").
* NOTE: the stack is implemented as a fixed size array (size = 100).
* Consequently, no more than 100 strings can be pushed onto
* the Stack at any given time.

// Implementation hints:
//   The 3 functions--push, pop and isEmpty--share information
//   about the array used to implement the stack and the index
//   of the "top" of the stack.
//   You may want to make these variables global...
//   ...but that would
//   be a mistake (because anyone using the module would have
//   to ensure that they did not use global variables with the
//   same names).
//   An alternative in C is a "static global".
//   If a global variable is qualified as "static", it is global only
//   within the source code file where it is declared.
//   In parituclar, it cannot conflict with any other global variable.
//   Uncomment the following 2 lines and use these static globals!
#include <stdio.h>
static int top = 0;
static char * stack[100];

* pop() removes the top string on the stack and returns it.
* If pop() is attempted on an empty stack, an error message
* is printed to stderr and the value NULL ((char *) 0) is returned.

char * pop()
if(top == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Stack underflow!\n");
    return (char *) 0;
else {
    return stack[top];

* push(thing2push) adds the "thing2push" to the top of the stack.
* If there is no more space available on the Stack, an error
* message is printed to stderr.
void push(char * thing2push)
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