1) Create a function that will print a list out, given the header node. Here is the function header:
void list_print(node * head_ptr)

• Place this function before the main function in your program.
• The function should print out the elements in the list separated by spaces all on one line.
• The function should print an ‘end of line’ after the list data is printed.

2) Carry out the following steps in the program, in main:

- Create a list header and insert the following data in order: 23.5, 45.6, 67.7, 89.8, 12.9
- Print out the list using the function you wrote.

- Create a list with two pointers, one to the head and one to the tail.
- Insert 23.5 into the list (Somewhere in the middle).
- Then insert these elements in order at the tail of the list: 45.6, 67.7, -123.5, 89.9 and 12. and lastly, Print the list.
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const node *list_search(const node *head_ptr, const node::value_type &target)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
       const node *cursor;

       for (cursor = head_ptr; cursor != NULL; cursor = cursor->link())
            if (target == cursor->data())
                return cursor;
       return NULL;

    node *list_locate(node *head_ptr, size_t position)
    // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
       node *cursor;
       size_t i;

       assert (0 < position);
       cursor = head_ptr;
       for (i = 1; (i < position) && (cursor != NULL); i++)
            cursor = cursor->link();
       return cursor;
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