Assignment 1:
Application of "12 Dimensions of Business Innovation"

Please select one of the 12 dimensions of Business Innovation explained in the MIT Sloan Management Review article. Once a dimension has been selected look for a product/service of your choice and explain why it fits the dimension and why it is an innovation.

Assignment Requirements:

Please make sure you use the terminology of the learning materials provided (readings, podcasts, etc.).
Articulate your piece before submitting: state the facts and then provide your reflection.
Give your own opinion rather than what you think we would like to read.
Assignment Submission Instructions:

Organize your ideas, prepare clear and concise statements and once ready, please write between 500 and 750 words.

Assignment 2:
About Disruptive Innovations

We want to make sure that you understand why innovation is important for our society but also the differences between innovation in general and disruptive innovations in particular.

For that reason we would like you organize your ideas, prepare clear and concise statements and once ready please record a 2.5-3 minute audio segment explaining, in your own words, why innovation is important for our society. After that, talk about a ‘disruptive innovation’ you use in your daily life. What previous technology did it disrupt? What did it replace?

Reading material is the same.
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Dimensions of Business Innovation
In their article, Sawhey, Wolocott and Arroniz (2006) identifies 12 dimensions of business innovation, specifically identifying the different ways that companies can innovate to achieve new opportunities in a competitive market. One of the 12 dimensions of business innovation identified in the article is “value capture”, which involves a company redefining how it gets paid or creating innovative new revenue streams that were not existing before, but which are potential sources of new sources of revenue. In this case, a good example provided is Google paid search “Google Ads (Google AdWords)”, a relatively new advertising platform in which advertisers pay the company to have their product or service advertisements displayed within the Google network for web users worldwide. Both cookies and keywords determined by the advertiser are used to place the ads on the pages in which they are relevant. When a user diverts his or her tasks to click on the advertised content, the advertisers pay the company while partner websites receive a pre-determined portion of the revenue generated in this manner.
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