The Competitive Intelligence Officer's task is to see the market, a...

The Competitive Intelligence Officer's task is to see the market, and especially their company, through the eyes of the competitor. They study the Courier and answer these questions for their company:
- What segments matter most to them?
- What are they doing to achieve competitive advantage?
- What will they do with their product line next year? In two years?
- Is our company a threat to the competition?
- What could the competition do that is not in our company's interest?
- How can our company influence the competition to do what we want?
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What segments matter most to them?
It appears that Chester’s most valuable market is the high-end customer segment. This is particularly so given that this is the only segment that the organization has registered an undisputed market share (65%) relative to its competitors Baldwin (22.5%) and Andrews (10.25%). Besides, it is only in this sector that Chester’s market share (65%) has exceeded the ideal market position for any company, which currently stands at 43%. This is an indication that most of Chester’s strategic decisions focus on this particular market segment.
What are they doing to achieve competitive advantage?
Chester is making a series of concerted efforts to achieve a competitive edge not only in the high-end but also in other customer or market segments. These efforts
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